Monday, February 7, 2011

Fighting A Battle

Today is chemo treatment #2 for Larry - this morning it was radiation as usual he is in his fourth week of radiation for throat cancer. His prognosis is good..they give him an 80% cure rate. It is an uphill battle to keep his weight up, so far the radiation doctor is happy with his weight, Larry wants to avoid having a feeding tube placed at all costs, doesn't want it.

It is actually a good think that Larry was overweight to begin with. He started this whole cancer trip at about 260 he weighed in at 232 lbs. The radiation/chemo treatments are rough on your system, the fact that the tumor is at the back of his tongue doesn't help with the eating/swallowing factor.

Larry is kind of a straight up guy, made hardened by the mean streets of New :York...he calls it as he sees it. Refuses pain meds, even after having to have his teeth removed in order to avoid major problems from the radiation. I guess if the pain gets really bad he will cave - maybe.

Anyway, Monday to Friday for seven weeks...radiation therapy and on the 45th day the last round of chemo.

we all are on edge trying to do our best to keep his morale up, feed him well...and keep him alive. I feel at least Barb has a chance at saving her hubby, I didn't get a chance....


Deborah said...

Praying for your whole family and especially Larry! God Bless you all~ ;-)

Jeannette said...

I will be praying for Larry and for all of you. God bless you.