Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lord What A Difference A Day Makes....

Going to write in blue...cause that's my mood right now. Everything was going along pretty good, having fun with the kids...painting, drawing and jewelry making. Next up I planned to teach them how to crochet and knit....
Last Friday threw me for a loop, I felt a sinus infection coming on last Tuesday, so I had some antibiotics with me, started on them..and watched myself but by Friday morning I was in real distress with my breathing due to the COPD.
It scared Alisa so we went to Mercy Hospital ER and they admitted me right away...I was one step away from pneumonia, which in my case could be the death of me.
Spent the next five days, poked, prodded and pinned...yuck. Got released last night thank God....on the mend. Hell of way to spend a week of vacation this way. Now trying to build back up where I can get off oxygen or I can't fly home easy....also the steroids they had to put me on spiked my blood sugar to 368...bouncing all over the chart for days, I'm on a step down process now...but it's going to take ten days to come off the steroids. So, now I have to be full insulin injections too. Can't catch a break.
In the hospital they put me on a restricted diet, 1200 calories a salt, no chol, no sugar...or sweets. Now when I first felt sick I ate only chicken noodle soup, crackers since last Tuesday...and with the diet restrictions in the hospital...eight days and my weight dropped 1/2 to be me. Of course, it's probably the steroids holding water and stuff in....but it would of been nice to see the gauge go down on the scale.
Then, of course, I hadn't had my computer so I missed the Jland Anniversary thing on a lot of catch up reading to do....crap this week better get betterer.....:(


Heli gunner Tom said...

Hi Dear Friend, sister in Christ-- J-Land!
I was going to cry in my own beer today-- having been in a serious truck crash yesterday, but no seriour injury, except some whip lash for me. You stiutation seems to be much worse, and perhaps 400 years ago many of us would have just passed away-- into heaven. I just joined your group-- personally. If you want to chat-- just email:
Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70, and Jesus is my Lord and Savior. ---Tom Schuckman

Unknown said...

Hello again. It's been too long. Sorry you missed J-Land Anniversary but you're here now and that's what counts. We all know where you are now. Gotta tell you how happy I am to know you're alright. I went through that hospital thing not too many years back. Take care. I invite you to stop by and visit sometime.I used to have Hey Let's Talk, but lost it when AOL forced us to import our journals to Blogspot. So now I am here:

ADB said...

Well, glad to have you back on the way to good health again. Get well soon :-)

Kathy said...

I do so hope your week gets better and you are on the mend lickity split. Those darned curve balls... stink.

Rose said...

scary!! take good care!!

REGINA said...

dear dear sorry to hear you were going through this. my fiance has copd, as well as congestive heart faiure, diabetes, depression, well, you know the gamut of things that can go wrong when you get older. i know a lot about this condition because i have been his primary care giver since he was hospitalized back in february for 2 months and had to have a tracheotomy done. it can be very serious. so don't make me worry about you, young lady.....i am sorry you missed the anniversary, but so glad you finally posted so that i could go to you blog, read, comment, and then click on follow, so that i won't lose you again. take care of yourself and watch closer for those warning signs. love you friend. regina

Dornbrau said...

A lot has happened since those days of daily blogging. I'm glad you are feeling better. Life can be a booger sometimes, can't it? I'm just glad I've had this opportunity to share boogers with you. Looking forward to many more years of it.

mortonlake said...

i am sorry sandra.not a good time,but hope you are better,mort